Logging in into the STUPS docker registry (Pier One)

I log in as johndoe:

$ ./venv-py3.4/bin/pierone login --user johndoe
Getting OAuth2 token "pierone".. OK
Storing Docker client configuration in /home/jdoe/.docker/config.json.. OK

This has written some Docker configuration:

$ cat  ~/.docker/config.json | jq '.'
  "auths": {
    "https://pierone.repo": {
      "email": "no-mail-required@example.org",
      "auth": "b2F1dGgyOjQ4NTEyODZiLTZmZTctNTBlYy05MjAxLTlhNzkwNjM5NzQzMA=="
    "null": {
      "email": "no-mail-required@example.org",
      "auth": "b2F1dGgyOjM2NTEyODZiLTUwNDUtZWIyMy05MjAxLWVhNzYwNmZiNzIzMQ=="

Tagging the image 04d55adc8567 before pushing:

$ sudo docker tag 04d55adc8567 pierone.repo/teamName/imageName:0.1-VERSION

Pushing to the Docker Hub:

$ sudo docker push pierone.repo/teamName/imageName:0.1-VERSION
The push refers to a repository [pierone.repo/teamName/imageName] (len: 1)
04d55adc8567: Image already exists 
59fcbbb9028a: Image already exists 
0.1-VERSION: digest: sha256:7c81309cc089f80525fd777788c8401ec9a37153e8b98dd8e9ef3231440653da size: 8500

